My life has been transformed

I first went to Soul Survivor 10 years ago because I was invited by a boy from college I really fancied, thinking that if I went to Soul Survivor with him, he'd definitely go out with me. That never happened, but something better did: I met Jesus. I remember being in the Big Top and looking around at the thousands of people my age worshipping Jesus. They seemed so free. I had battled with an eating disorder pretty intensely for that past year, and realised that if I put my trust in Jesus, I could be free too. In Him I found freedom, answers, purpose and direction. Since that summer I have been on a six month mission trip to Uganda, attended and graduated a Bible college, worked for a Christian drug and alcohol rehabilitation charity where I saw God work miracles, got married to a wonderful Christian man and am now training to be a counsellor. I serve regularly in my church and have recently joined their governing body. Oh, and I left that eating disorder well behind. This is all because of, and thanks to, Jesus. My life has been transformed and a few years after me my mum became a Christian too! Jesus is incredible.


liza hoeksma