Fearfully & Wonderfully Made

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; all your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

- Psalm 139:14

I recently visited a church in a small beach town here in Australia, and when worship began it was hard not to notice that the worship leader was leading like someone else. From her appearance to the way she sang and even her unique expressions of worship, I was struck by the fact that thousands of miles away, this passionate worshipper was not only inspired by a well known church in the US, she was imitating one of their worship leaders. I thought about this girl on the way home and wondered how she would worship if she’d never been online? What would her voice sound like? What would she uniquely bring as a worship leader?

We’re all going to be influenced and inspired by people around us, and my encouragement today is that we wouldn’t imitate them, but that we would be inspired to worship the Father as He has created us to.

The Father knows us; He created our inmost being. We can come to Him as we are, not just bringing all of our struggles, fear and shame, but being our true selves. It’s a fight to truly be yourself; it requires vulnerability and self awareness. It requires courage and embracing our uniqueness, believing that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. True intimacy in worship comes when we let go of trying to be someone else and we’re fully vulnerable before God.

Today, let’s ask the Father to show us where we are struggling to be vulnerable and what parts of ourselves we find it hard to embrace. Let’s ask Him to speak to us about who He has created us to be and to give us the courage to be truly ourselves as we live to worship Him.


Lex Buckley

Lex is an Aussie from Melbourne and has been leading worship & songwriting for many years now. She came to the U.K. and worked for Soul Survivor Watford Church as a worship leader, and led worship at our summer festivals too. It was here, Lex met her husband Paul at church, and they now have two lovely children. Since living in Watford, they have moved to live & work in Jacksonville, Florida, and are now back in Melbourne, Australia. Lex’s songs include ‘Through The Valley’, ‘Join With The Angels’ & ‘Gaze Upon Your Beauty’.

Lex Buckley