Everyday Ordinary Worship

Romans 12:1 – The Message

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him”

Over the last three years, I have found myself clinging to this passage continually. I’ve been a musician, singer and songwriter since my teenage years. All of my adult life (up until baby three) I have been upfront, leading worship, writing songs, travelling, working for churches and leading teams. I’ve loved it. It’s felt very much a calling, a passion. I’ve been so blessed to contribute to the church with my gifts and be able to worship and encounter God through music.

After the arrival of my third son just over two and half years ago my daily world has become very different to its former years. It’s become... well... much more ordinary. Most of my time has been lived within unseen routines, meal times and monotonous, continuous tasks. Surviving sleepless nights and tantrums is not my idea of fun... or worship!!!

In this season, I have missed being a part in a creative and productive team. Changing nappies is not as fun or exciting as leading worship in amazing places with your brilliant musician friends (if you know what I mean).

But as I take moments in the ordinary to dwell on Romans 12:1-2, my heart is stirred... this may be my opportunity, while nobody is watching but God. to be still to embrace what He has done for me, to grow and develop to bring my everyday ordinary life and place it before God as an offering.

There are days I get this right and others days I fail. There have been days I’ve pined for things I don’t have right now and coveted what others are publicly achieving. But still God is gracious, willing and ready to reveal His glory in extraordinary ways. I’ve felt His overwhelming presence unexpectedly, sometimes with babies hanging off me and coffee dripping down my shirt... In chaos God gently reminds me He loves me and has called me according to His purpose.

I’m not going to lie I haven’t loved every day of this season so far. I’ve found it a hard season. I’ve wrestled and I’ve questioned. Sometimes I’ve felt lost in my sense of identity, purpose and confidence. But it has forced me to dig deeper, to seek God and ultimately it is a season for the worshiper to grow and mature within me.

What does your ordinary look like? Are you ordinarily upfront, or is this a hidden season for you? Are you working the 9-5, striving to provide? Are you at home with children that give you no space? Are you studying? Are you creating or leading? Are you teaching or producing?

Whatever your everyday ordinary looks like, you are called to worship. Learn to worship within everyday God has given you whatever context you may find yourself in. This is our true and proper worship.


Nikki Fletcher

Nikki is an amazing human being and has been leading worship and writing songs from a young age. She relocated to London from Sydney, Australia in 2008 where she previously spent many years as one of the worship pastors at C3 Church Oxford Falls. Whilst in London, Nikki served as part of the staff team for Worship Central & Holy Trinity Brompton Church as one of the worship pastors there. She is married to Jonathan and they have three adventurous little boys. They now all live back in Australia on the northern beaches of Sydney where they are based at C3 Church in Avalon where Nikki continues to lead worship & write songs both locally & globally.. Her songs include ‘All Glory’, ‘Draw Me Close’, and ‘Dry Bones’. We love you Fletch!

Nikki Fletcher